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Important To Know!!!!

Cracks in a building are known to result into the collapse of the building, kinda like chewing gum where you chew it for so long then all of a sudden it totally dissolves all at once (if you’ve experienced that then you’ll know what I mean)
Well… not likely unless your building is 100 plus years then maybe. It depends really, every situation is different. But the most likely thing is that the sheer weight of the building itself causes the ground beneath it to give way, and slowly but surely the building sinks into the ground.
There are basically different of types of cracks that can occur, some may result from plastering not done in accordance, while others can result from structural works (inadequate reinforcement or iron rods).

Some cracks are a sign of weak structural design; when reinforcements or iron rod specifications are not adequate, or when the contractor out of greed /incompetence decided to use substandard materials.
A cracked concrete allows rainwater which in turn gradually causes wearing, and then may ultimately expose the iron rods that were used to sustain it.
Adequate iron rods are needed in any concrete because the concrete exerts a compressive force, these iron rods are what serves as tensile forces (resistance) which helps to counter the compressive forces from the concrete.
When a crack occurs and exposes iron rods to environmental conditions (air and rain), it leads to corrosion or rust, this can affect your building.

A cracked concrete will give room for insects and small animals such as Wall Geckos to explore. These animals will make crevices formed as their shelter and create more gap holes than what would be seen initially in the building.

If it’s a crack from plastering, Quickly call an expert in building construction before it gets to a stage that can lead to collapse of the building. He knows what to do.
It’s basically all about maintenance. A little repair today is always cheaper than putting it off.
So put your eyes out, always make sure you do the right thing at the right time. Have a great day.

Eazyhomes Company


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