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Mosquitoes are vectors to a host of diseases, the most common of them being malaria. Mostly, in this part of the world, we rely on insecticides to get rid of mosquitoes but prolonged use of these insecticides can cause allergic reactions and become toxic to our health. Also, mosquitoes eventually develop immunity to certain insecticides after a while. There are a number of natural ways you can get rid of mosquitoes in your home, these include:
Get rid of stagnant water around your house. Mosquitoes often gravitate towards standing water like clogged gutters, unfiltered fish ponds, swimming pools not in use etc; places like these are their favourite breeding ground. If it’s not possible to remove the stagnant water around your house, then place some Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis (BTI) dunk/granules into the water. BTI is a soil dwelling bacterium that can be found as a component of some commercial insecticides. This functions as a larvicide that kills mosquito larvae in the water, thereby disrupting their breeding process.

stagnant water

Cut the grass around your house regularly. Too much grass around the house becomes a hiding and breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects. However, some plants such as garlic have been proven to repel mosquitoes so you can grow some of these mosquito repelling plants around your house and balcony.
The use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). The use of ITNs is advised if you happen to live in an environment with high prevalence of mosquitoes, this can be used on windows and around beds and cots. This is one of the most effective ways of preventing the mosquitoes from biting you. Also, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) recommends rubbing a mixture of lemon oil and eucalyptus oil on your body to repel mosquitoes from you.

mosquito net

Keep your house doors closed at all times. Mosquitoes are mostly active at night but unlike vampires, they also come out during the day, so leaving doors closed helps to keep them at bay. Also, look for cracks under the door and window nets and ensure you get them fixed.
Camphor has been found to have a high repelling mosquito activity. Take a small bowl filled with water and add one camphor tablet to it. Place it in a corner of the room and the mosquitoes will immediately fly away from that zone. You can crush the camphor a bit before pouring it inside the water. This process has to be repeated every few days or the effect of the camphor will phase out. You can also use this camphor water to wipe the floors of the house.
Mosquitoes do not strive around moving air. They can easily be driven from a room with a burst of air from a fan; several fans in the house that are continually working can create an unconducive environment for mosquitoes to inhabit.
The use of bug lights. Using bug lights inside and outside the house is also beneficial because mosquitoes are not attracted to yellow bug lights, Led lights and sodium lamps.

led lights

Eazyhomes Company

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  • chinenye okafor 8 years ago

    How much those the net cost ?


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